we currently block 700834 IP addresses
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About us

This is a DNS based blocking list, used from PowerWeb's customers to filter unwanted SMTP connects. You got here because you read our error message presented from our mail servers through your mail client or you are a system administrator and received a report from us.


... 3 steps to a spam-free world !

Step 1 What do we do ? Step 2 Why are you blocked ? Step 3 How can I send eMail to your customers again ?
PowerWeb has some prominent domainnames that are getting flodded with smtp connects from spammers that ignore "User unknown" messages and do not check these error messages from our mailservers.

They simply try every possible eMail address under some domains to find valid addresses or buy address lists that are simply faked.

We block the IP addresses of the computers that send us these unneeded connects to protect our customers. All IP addresses, that do send us spam, are also blocked.

You are blocked, because our customers received spam from your server.
Please be ensured that our system only blocks mailserver our customers we received spam from.

That means, that you

  • are using the mailserver of your provider, wich is not doing enough to prevent the misuse of this server by other customers

    Please send the error message you received to your provider !
    Do not sent it to us nor to our customers you like to reach, send it to your provider !

    or you

  • are a spammer (well, burn in hell)
  • use a server/desktop computer wich is hacked and controlled via a backupdoor virus, wich also installed a spambot software sending millions of spam emails (you should check your server/desktop computer with an up-to-date AntiVirus software package and install all updates for your operating system and software packages as soon as they are available)
  • use an open relay or open proxy server as outgoing mailserver (you should get it closed)
  • you have an internet connection using dynamic IP addresses and are currently using an IP address, that was used by a spammer or an open server before (you should report that to your internet provider !)
  • or (very unlikely) mistyped the eMail address and did send an eMail to one of our customers (you are now allowed to remove the IP)

  • or you did send us a virus
After you contacted your provider, you can type the IP address that was blocked into the following fields and it will be removed ASAP and you can send eMail to our customers again.

The IP address was noted in the error message you received from our mailserver.

. . .

You will have to send your eMail again after your IP was removed.

permanently blockedblocked
MTML - Mahanagar Telephone
VNPT - Vietnam Post
ABTS DEL - bharti airtel
KAZTELECOM - online.kz
VIETEL - Viettel Corporation
TOP-20 spam providerTOP-20
Telefonica de A12
TOP-20 spam countriesTOP-20

VN 24.15%
US 8.98%
CN 8.67%
IN 8.47%
RU 2.68%
BR 2.68%
DE 2.35%
IR 1.89%
UA 1.71%
TR 1.71%
IT 1.67%
MX 1.55%
GB 1.49%
NL 1.43%
PL 1.34%
ES 1.34%
AR 1.33%
ID 1.23%
PK 1.14%
FR 1.00%